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  • Run the menu command Project > Tools > JavaScript > Generate TypeScript Project from the Godot editor to generate a TypeScript project
  • Run tsc -w -p . under your project folder in the terminal to compile scripts

Code completion

  • Code completion in TS will automatically work once the TypeScript project is generated by the above steps.
  • Code completion in VSCode is achieved by the property "types": "./godot.d.ts" in the generated package.json file of the TypeScript project. The godot.d.ts file can be generated alone via the Project > Tools > ECMAScript > Generate TypeScript Declaration File editor menu option and added to a package.json file manually to achieve this without a full TypeScript project.


Compile your ts script to a .mjs file then we can attach it to a node in godot editor.

Most of the register functions are available as various decorators as seen below.

import { signal, property, tool, onready, node } from "./decorators";

@tool // make the script runnable in godot editor
export default class InputLine extends godot.HBoxContainer {
    // define a signal
    static readonly OnTextChanged: string;

    // expose a node property
    icon: godot.Sprite;

    // register offset property with the godot inspector with default value of Vector2(0, 0)
    @property({ default: godot.Vector2.ZERO })
    offset: godot.Vector2;

    // register properties for godot editor inspector
    @property({ type: godot.VariantType.TYPE_STRING })
    get title() {
        return this._title;
    set title(v: string) {
        this._title = v;
        if (this._label) {
            this._label.text = v;
    private _title: string;

    @property({ default: "Input text here" })
    get hint() {
        return this._hint;
    set hint(v: string) {
        this._hint = v;
        if (this.edit) {
            this.edit.hint_tooltip = v;
            this.edit.placeholder_text = v;
    private _hint: string;

    get label(): godot.Label {
        return this._label;
    protected _label: godot.Label;

    // call get_node('LineEdit') and assign the returned value to 'this.edit' automatically when the node is ready
    edit: godot.LineEdit;

    get text(): string {
        return this.edit?.text;

    _ready() {
        // get first child with the type of godot.Label
        this._label = this.get_node(godot.Label);

        // Apply the inspector filled values with property setters
        this.title = this.title;
        this.hint = this.hint;

        this.edit.connect(godot.LineEdit.text_changed, (text: string) => {
            this.emit_signal(InputLine.OnTextChanged, text);